Blog Post #2 International Women's Day
First off, Happy International Women's Day! I am not a ranting feminist by any means, but I am all for gender equality and understanding. I have first hand experience dealing with the very real stigma of being a women in the workplace. I spent 9 great years in the US Army, for which I wouldn't change a thing, but I did see the first and secondary affects of being a female. It imposed certain limitations and barriers. It is so awesome to see these glass ceilings being shattered by women all over the world. I feel as if this is just the beginning of seeing what is actually possible when men and women have compassion and understanding for each other and don't put each other in a box according to their gender.
For my fire, trailblazing women out there, I know it isn't easy. At one point, not too long ago, I was in charge of 25 men/soldiers who were pretty hardcore. Standing my ground is a light term when it came to respect. My rank in the Military showed that I had worked equally hard for the position that I was in and I was going to make sure that I was treated as such. I was held to the same standard as my male counterparts, and feel as if that was a good thing in making and shaping the person I am today. I, at times had to work a little harder, run a little faster, and "sit at the table" a bit more than what was socially acceptable. In the end though, the fruits of my labor was knowing I had something to stand up for, and something to work hard for. I was in fact, paving the way for future generations of young women to break barriers and stand up for their own potential. If I had given up or waivered, or sat in the back of the room, or not spoken up, I would be hurting the wives, daughters, mothers, etc... who need to share their gifts to the world without having a million barriers to jump through in order to do so. When we stand for equality of gender, we are not taking sides. We are essentially giving a chance to those individuals who are brave enough to rise to the challenge of adding values to others.
Thank you to all the men and women out there who have stood for something bigger than themselves and their wants and needs in order to create a new path for others to tread. This is just the beginning! Remember that someone who believed in you when others didn't? That person that ended up making you better and more confident because she/he wouldn't let you quit? Well go ahead and tell that person thank you, because they paved the way for you to be a better person. Oh, and share that compassion with someone else, while remembering that you could potentially be shaping history in the decisions that you make today. Don't take this lightly.
Be Beautiful. Be Brave.