Do The (Inner) Work, Work, Work, Work, Work
Getting really honest with myself while focusing on my inner development have been the most challenging yet rewarding parts of my life journey. In the not so far away past, I would fail to analyzing my own behaviors, thought patterns, and biases, that were the driving forces behind my actions and reactions to people and situations. At 29 years old it is about damn time I start the heavy lifting, and by heavy lifting I mean inner work. The real work, not just a bullshit block on a “To-Do” list.
I have recently been getting into the details of my childhood and upbringing with my therapist, family and close friends. I meet them with empathy, compassion, and an open mind (which hasn’t always been the case). I am finally ready to understand and appreciate the amazing people around me, and understand my childhood and how that has shaped my beliefs and actions as an adult. I didn’t have a rough childhood, but everything, good or bad, has an effect on a child and I wanted to analyze my upbringing.
Facing my own insecurities and being able to change for myself has made me love the woman I am. The goal is to recognize, question, and release negative emotion and hurt that I no longer need to haul around with me, and instead replace it with awareness and compassion. We have to feel the pain while gathering the facts before we can appreciate and feel the self compassion and love we seek.
I believe as leaders in any capacity (moms, dads, managers, teachers, soldiers, etc…) this is a critical process in our own evolution and the evolution for those that precede us. Let’s change the world by changing ourselves for the best.
Stay Beautiful. Stay Brave.